By Beccy Prado - Client Relations Manager
I have been working at Nuven for the past 3 years, and oh my how time flies when you are having fun….
Yes that’s right, I said fun! It’s very rare in business today that you can work in an environment that is fast paced, professional but you are given the freedom to enjoy your work.
For me this has been due to working in a close knit team that has built foundations based on trust, integrity and personal growth.
Touching upon personal growth, I originally started as an Admin Assistant on a part time contract, fast forward three years I am now the Client Relations Manager for Nuven, having been the Office Manager on my way to progressing in my current role.
During my time with the company I have been given several opportunities to grow and develop my career, and have been guided through my progression journey by Mark O’Halloran. I was even given the opportunity to train to become a Surveyor, however personal circumstances meant I decided to steer towards a different career path, and I am now about to enrol on a Management and Leadership course.
Recognition of talent has played a huge part in me getting to where I am today, talent spotting and recognition can often be overlooked in business as companies look to turn a profit without investing in the most important part… the people. Safely to say, here at Nuven, we recognise our teams hard work and effort that goes in on a daily basis, this acts as a key motivator for me to give my all to the business as I know that I’ll get the same in return.
Nuven is by far the most inclusive company that I have worked for and I absolutely love my job.

The other part I ought to mention is that I’m a working Mum. Before starting at Nuven it was a challenge to find the right company to work for, but having met Mark and discussing my flexible working requirements, my mind was immediately put at rest from the assurances that I could fit my role around my family, not the other way around.
A typical day for me includes getting my daughter Poppy ready for school, watching her walk out to start her day, I then make my way into work with our two dogs - Honey and Maple (who come to work in the office with me!), we go for a lovely walk around beautiful fields and woodlands that surround our place of work, and then head into the office to start my working day.
Everyone is so friendly in the office and absolutely love having new furry friends with them, even if there is the occasional bark whilst on the phone, or they’re being given the puppy dog eyes when they’re eating lunch! Some days I work from home but as we are an engaging team it still feels like I’m in the office as I feel fully supported by the rest of the team.
Writing this today, I still have to take a moment and pinch myself to realise how lucky I am to be working for a company like Nuven, and knowing that I’m not just here to work, I’ve also become part of the Nuven family.
I love seeing new members of the team join Nuven and them realising how great a place it is to work. I look forward to my future with Nuven and can’t wait to find out what I’ll be up to in the coming years.